Octopress and jQuery

It's always the little things that take hours to figure out.

Reading time: about 1 minute (192 words).

In the process of theming Axiomatic Semantics, I came across a virtually undocumented (in the Octopress sphere) caveat when including jQuery elements. A number of javascript functions in the Octopress source use $ as a variable. This is not uncommon; although jQuery aliases to $ - which causes some confusion in the processing of Octopress’ functions. My issue was the GitHub aside constantly being stuck at the Status Updating… phase. To overcome this issue, the simplest method is to insert the jQuery include in after_footer.html, but if you need the call before then for whatever reason and want it in head.html; you’re gonna have a bad time.

Hello World

Tabula Rasa.

Reading time: about 2 minutes (332 words).

In the past, my blogs have always been akin to a public, online diary. They tended to generally be inane drivel about what we got up to on Friday night. With that being said, the era I’m referring to is circa 2002; modern technology has moved on—now we have Facebook for that kind of shit.