My name is Tim DuBois and I’m presently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Centre in Stockholm, Sweden. This is quite a recent appointment—most definitely still in the knowledge absorption stage. The outlook though is to increase our understanding of the so-called climate tipping points (such as the ice caps melting): how and when this may occur, what are the environmental and social actions or ramifications. Previously, I was at Chalmers University of Technology with the Electromagnetic Field Theory Group in Gothenburg, Sweden. The research I completed there was part of the PLasma based ION Acceleration (PLIONA) Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation project, which attempts to generate high acceleration laser-plasma based ion sources for near future use in applications such as hadron therapy for cancers, cosmic radiation studies on living cells and spacecraft, short-life medical isotope production, proton imaging and many other important applications.
I obtained my doctorate at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia in September 2015 with the Chemical and Quantum Physics Group. That research focused on microscopic models of defects and quantum transport in condensed matter systems and large scale computer simulation using ab initio techniques. From August 2009 until September 2015 I was also contracted by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (now DST Group); specialising in statistical properties of Lagrangian particles in application to the areas of turbulent dispersion, release characterisation and blast dynamics.
Lazarus Long, a character is Robert Heinlein’s Time Enough for Love stated that “Specialization is for insects”—a sentiment which I tend to embrace, with qualifications and academic training in Ancient Languages, Philosophy, Electronics, Ecology, and Computer Science along side Physics.
Outside of academic pursuits; my interests include travelling, rock climbing, trampoline gymnastics, vertical farming & areoponics, building multirotor uavs, building stupid shit, art and making friends with neighbourhood cats.