Code Coverage in Rust
Productivity tools you employ to make yourself more efficient that actually take up most of your productive time.

One side project that has been sitting by the wayside since completing my PhD has been to polish up and publish Wafer: my fancy 3D wavefunction solver. For reasons, one of which is mostly structured procratstination, this polishing ended up being a port/re-write in Rust. Delving into the Rust ecosystem has been fun and if you check Wafer’s commit history you’ll notice large rewrites again and again as I basically play around with things; having no real development schedule or design restrictions.
It may seem a little counter intuitive then, that I’m also trying at the same time to learn all the rigid structures of software development. Proper documentation, testing, error handling, data structures etc.
The Rust tooling makes much of this a breeze.
For example, you write comments above your functions in markdown, call cargo doc
and a complete document is compiled for you.
Rust is actively evolving though, and hiccups do occur—sometimes more that you’d like. Staying with the documentation example, if you want to document all your routines as more of a developers document, the command to do so is simply
cargo rustdoc --open -- --no-defaults --passes collapse-docs --passes unindent-comments --passes strip-priv-imports
and obviously rolls off the keyboard just as effortlessly as cargo doc
Fixes are in the works for this oversight, and it’s really not too much more than a quirk that’s fairly obvious to find a solution for.
Usually that comes in the form of a well written article on some well known and respected Rust blogger’s site.
Recently, an excellent write up by Razican on getting Rust to play with Travis enabled me to set up a seamless testing environment, with developer documentation instantly updated on every commit (here if you want to check it out).
Formal, structured testing is somewhat new to me, since spitting debug data to stdout and making sure numbers matched up to some expected output has pretty much been end-of-story in the past. Travis is a tool that other open source projects have had enabled, so it’s existence is known to me, and previously I even managed to add some tests that did a good job of failing for a while before getting it right.
The idea of code coverage however is something I’d never heard of before Razican’s post.
So, to check it out I chucked in the extra configuration steps to my .travis.yml
and set up a Codecov account.
To my surprise, the five or so extremely minimal tests I’d written gave me an impressive 96% coverage!
Something didn’t add up.
Pulling up the raw logs, it was clear that total_lines
{"file": "/home/travis/build/Libbum/Wafer/src/", "percent_covered": "100.00", "covered_lines": "35", "total_lines": "35"}
needs to be a little larger. That file was 722 lines long at the time.
Codecov support replied to me extremely quickly, although they couldn’t help solve the issue: the raw logs are what they match on, so it’s the rust compiler that’s not producing them correctly.
Here’s the point where I’d expect again to say that there’s a bit of a quirk with a fairly well documented solution, but this time none was to be found. Not that there wasn’t a solution, but there just wasn’t an easily explained blog post about it. Alas, the burden has therefore fallen squarely on my lap—the not-known-for-much-of-anything guy who’s Rust tag count on this blog is 1 (provided you count this post in that category).
Basically what’s happening is kcov
(the tool we use to generate the logs that are sent to Codecov from the cargo test
run) is quite language agnostic and just follows pathways of code that has been run vs not-run.
For example, a test like this on a convoluted function
fn between_five_ten(num: u23) -> bool {
if num > 5 {
if num < 10 {
} else {
} else {
fn test_four() {
assert_eq!(between_five_ten(4), false);
will never enter the if num < 10
branch, meaning for 11 lines of code we test 6.
If the above file had an additional 50 functions totalling some 800 lines of code, the result of kcov
s tests would sill be 6 lines covered of a total of 11 lines.
The Rust compiler is effectively messing up kcov
here rather than a bug existing somewhere in kcov
will compile each function (and each global) into its own section of the output object file, then --gc-sections
is passed to the linker which eliminates all unused elements.
The reason for this is to cut down binary sizes, as we pull in tonnes of libraries for ease of use when coding up our projects, but seldom actually use all of the features.
This does, however, have the implication that testable functions are stripped by default in test executables if they are not used (more specifically here: not tested), and now we see why kcov
isn’t handling information as we’d like.
With this now understood, it was easier to identify if a solution had already been implemented or not by trawling the Rust bug tracker.
Thankfully, the issue was fixed in February by implementing a link_dead_code
flag, which explicitly stops the linker from stripping untested code out of the binary.
Ultimately you get a much larger executable, but the point here is to only compile with this flag if you need code coverage information.
So the now-simple fix is to run cargo test
as RUSTFLAGS=-Clink-dead-code cargo test
Updating my .travis.yml and pushing a new commit swapped out my impressive 96% coverage to a much more impressive 9%.
Time to get to writing some actual tests then!